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Open Source CMS should be the fastest CMS world wide (WIP).

Multi-Language-Support (i18n)

CMS supports multiple languages.\ Currently you can use language tokens in:

PHP Code

To translate a text:


//or with category
Translator::translate("Welcome", "my-category");

$i = 2;

//also plural is supported
Translator::n_translate("User", "Users", 1);//output: translation of "User"
Translator::n_translate("User", "Users", $i);//output: translation of "Users"


To use this feature in Dwoo templates, you can use the lang plugin:


{* or if you want to set also a domain *}
{lang my-domain}my-token{/lang}

To use Multi Language Support in menus & page titles, you have to use a prefix “lang_”.\ For example: “lang_Imprint” will output the translation of “Imprint”.\ If you want to set a category too, you have to use this form: “lang_category_my-token”, for example:
